I am so excited that finally, after 10 years of container gardening, I will get to have a BIG vegetable garden. And I want to plant it ALL, asparagus, beans & beets, cantaloupes, cucumbers & corn, potatoes & tomatoes, peas & peppers!
I have been unpacking all my books/treasures and have rediscovered 3 absolutely adorable gardening books. I know you will fall in love with them too...

Kitchen Gardens
A year 'round guide to growing and using herbs and vegetables
by Mary Mason Campbell
Pictures by Tasha Tudor
Copyright 1971

Are these not, the most adorable illustrations? Of course they are, they are by Tasha, a most magical woman who led a magical life. Tasha's family has website: Tasha Tudor and Family that allows us to continue to enjoy all of Tasha's work. You can purchase different items, but most importantly to me, you can purchase seeds that were grown from Tasha's own flowers, Forget-Me-Nots, Foxgloves and Hollyhocks to name a few! Hollyhocks should be in every garden. I think an apron is so appropriate for the garden, little pockets to carry your tools and a big wide bow in the back.
Many pages are adorned with precious pictures.
Looks like I need a nice pair of garden galoshes too!
~*~Lois Burpee's
Gardener's Companion and Cookbook
Delectable recipes and invaluable advice on growing vegetables and fruit from American's foremost gardening family
Illustrated by Parker Leighton
copyright 1983This little book was a precious thrift store find. The illustrations are beautiful and it is an enjoyable read. Why, just last evening I started reading it again!
The book is divided into gardening seasons, to help you know when to plant!
The book is filled with delicious, garden fresh recipes!
A Blessing of Toads
A Gardener's Guide to Living with Nature
copyright 2004
I became familiar with the writing and illustrating of Sharon Lovejoy through the Country Living Gardener Magazine. Beside Victoria this was my other all time favorite magazine. I have kept every issue I ever purchased. Unfortunately, I don't think the magazine is in publication anymore. But, Sharon does have some wonderful books and she also has a website:
Sharon Lovejoy
I wouldn't mind having these cute little critters in my garden, how about you?
Are squirrels your greatest bird feeder nemesis?
Well just bake them their own cookies, why don't you!

This little book, well actually it isn't quite so little there is over 290 pages, is just full of wonderfully endearing garden stories, recipes and crafts.
Aren't you excited too about the arrival of spring?
I know the next few weeks I will be busy trying to decided exactly what to plant and when to plant it. What I know for sure is that potatoes go in the ground on St. Patrick's Day!
I have never had a garden but this year I have decided to have one a small one but still I am excited good luck on yours.
Hi JIll! Oh, what sweet little garden books. I'm excited for you to be able to have a big ole garden! I'm still waiting to see more of your beautiful home! Are you just about settled in?
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
It's me again! I forgot to tell you, your new blog dress is beautiful!
Continue to be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Can't wait to see how pretty your garden is going to be!!!! Cute books!
I'm getting itchy to plant also. I don't dare though until May. I have learned the hard way with freezing little shivering plants that didn't survive. How fun for you to plan that big garden, that is half the fun I think.
Your books are just precious! I am anxiously waiting for spring too. Honestly here in Louisiana it has been a very strange winter. One day it will be 70 degrees and the next day it will be 20! Right now it is hot and one could be fooled into thinking it's safe to start planting. The tulips and daffodils are in bloom, trees are budding, but I will be patient a little longer about planting my gardens.
Now did you choose those books because they had the best illustrations or because they were the best gardening books? I'm afraid I could live in Antarctica and still be drawn to those books.
You are going to have so much fun gardening in your new place. Starting from scratch is fun and easier!
cool books. I read on tasha and what a neat lady. I would love to have some of her seeds.
You'll be so excited to plant! And each year it grows, and the idea just keep coming from our heads on what we want to do.
Hi Jill,
Those books are just stunning!! I adore all the illustrations , oh my! what a beautiful collection you have!! each one is prettier than the next! you must get so inspired reading them, I know I am!! :) Thanks so much for sharing, I am so excited for spring! and I cannot wait to start my gardens too!!
Wishing you a beautiful day! Hugs, Cynthia
What wonderful books! You are going to have so much fun planting your garden! Thanks for the link to Tasha Tudors.
I like your new look.
My father used to always have a garden. I'd like to live close enough to you to share your overflow!
I certainly adore the books! I'm just drooling at how wonderful they look (and how much I'd enjoy it as much as I enjoy gardening).
I'm definitely excited about spring and your little gardening book collection as well! I may have to find some of your books online, if possible and start my own collection. We have squirrels and they will definitely not be a gardener's friend. They uproot every flower I put on the front porch in search of hidden food! Maybe if I make them some cookies they will leave my plants alone. Thanks so much for the offer to help me with a banner for my blog. I'm going to take you up on that offer as soon as I retire (mid-May) but right now I just don't seem to be able to find the time to do any work on my blog. I'm doing good to post and comment from time to time. I surely do want your help, though. I just love your blog!!! Pretty, pretty, pretty! I just want to hang around and soak up the charm. Thanks. Sharon
These are all wonderful! I'll have to look for them. Tasha Tudor is a fave of mine too.
Kevin's parents put in a huge garden. I can't wait for the asparagus!
I'm sure you're anxious to get started. How's the chicken house coming?
O yes I love this post. Yes I am ready for SPRING! I incorporate Mint, Rosemary and Basil through out my flower beds. Last year I even had peppers and tomatoes in some of the flower beds for COLOR...IT actually turned out quite nice....Great post JILL!
Oh what beautiful books you have. We too are enjoying all of robins fluttering about our yard. This year we will graduate to a little bit bigger of a garden and like you, there are many vegetables I am wanting to plant! :o)
I hope that you have a beautiful day.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
My Bob has his rototiller out and is getting ready. He keeps telling me how many days until planting the peas and lettuce on St. Pat's Day. He is much more excited than I am, but I know I will enjoy the fruits of his labors!! A whole new gardening experience is in store for you this year. That's always fun. Sally
These are sooo cute! It is just about time here in AZ to start looking at gardening. I just cut all the rose bushes back. I have to heal from that first!:)
I have to second Nikki's question... How's the chicken house coming? That was looking so cute the last time you posted about it.
Can't wait to get into the dirt. I don't have a veggie garden, but love eating what comes out of others gardens. I do love playing around in my flower beds.
Love the books! Just precious.
Jill, your books are ever so delightful! Just makes one feel good to look at them.
I am in total book envy.... I love Tasha Tudor...I have never seen that book. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Jill,
I have just discovered your fantastic blog via Cynthia's Cottage... How lovely these books are! And the bunny... gorgeous!
Please visit me if you have a spare moment.
Warmest wishes,
I haven't planted a garden in years, but my daughter mentioned we should have a small one this summer. She wants to plant carrots. We'll see how that goes.
Your blog looks great!
Those books are just the thing to get me motivated to start working in my garden. Thanks for the post.
your blog-sheer bliss-cottonreel
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