Sunday, December 13, 2009

*Ho Ho Hello!*

Dear Friends
I sat down this morning and just decided to stop in here at Hickory Hollow. I am so touched that many of you have left me notes saying that you miss me! Oh ya'll that means so much! I'm still here!

Still behind in the scrapbooking department, but my New Year's resolution is to work on getting caught back up. We have a nice scrapbook store that does monthly all day crops so I am planning on going EACH month! Something I have recently accomplished is adding a cute red and cream checked wallpaper to the back of my garage sale hutch!

I found the cutest snowman lamp at the flea market...

We have decorated the outside of the house with icicle lights! Doug even put lights on the little chicken house. Tyler bought two Bantams at an Amish auction last week... a little bitty rooster and hen! He cockadoodle doo's every morning, she looks like a little pheasant! I''ve named them Fred and Ethel.

I have found a new hobby I LOVE! Dollhouses! Long story, but what you need to know is that I am building a Victorian cottage from a kit and having a ball. I have been collecting little shabby chic furnishings and wallpapers. My mom and dad bought Lindsey an older dollhouse that I am renovating. So far I have finished the nursery...I even sewed a little bitty quilt and made precious tab top curtains!

The pink in the background is the walls of the house. Here are little windows I sanded, and painted and sanded and painted again! The little rose cut out is going to be a picture for the wall. Do you see that adorable Victorian door!

Cute cottage wallpapers most are really truly doll house wallpaper that I purchased in Kansas City at a doll house shop.
Here is the nursery I renovated in Lindsey's vintage dollhouse. It has new carpet and wallpaper. Here are the little tab top curtains I made and the little bitty crib quilt.
Thank you everyone for checking in on me! I will try to get back in the swing here and at last blog once a's that for another New Year's resolution!

Hope everyone enjoys a warm & cozy
Christmas Season!