Friday, November 11, 2011

Change at Hickory Hollow

It's Me!
Can you believe it!
Gone from blogging for almost 2 years.

But, I ran across a blog and saw that Hickory Hollow was still on their sidebar.
I realized that I have really missed blogging.

With time, comes many changes...
New Cottage Herb & Flower Garden
New Victorian Back Porch
New Pets
New furniture
New job!
My fondest wish is to blog once a week.
You see, I work full time now.
I have for almost a year and a half.
Not just any ole job.
I teach.
Wonderful 4th graders!
Was it hard for this stay-at-home mom to go back to work full-time?
Oh my goodness yes!
Do I miss staying at home?
Oh my goodness yes!
I feel God's hand guiding me to the classroom.
I know this is where He wants me to be.
So I pray to accept my new circumstances.
I still have to live in my own little world, though
the world of Hickory Hollow.
Where I capture moments
that make my heart sing.
I see much more sorrow & struggle.
So I feel the need, now more than ever,
to find kindness, beauty and goodness.
So I hope you will join me on my new journey,
Hickory Hollow

I'm coming back home!


  1. Welcome back! You just popped up in my blog roll like you were never gone. I work full time also and it's hard to blog regularly, once a week is a good goal. I'm excited to see what is new with you. Take care!

  2. Oh my goodness Jill! It has been a really long time! Good to see you and that you are doing so well! Love the new look of your blog and hope to see you around more often! ~Hugs, Patti

  3. Great to see you back! I've always enjoyed your blog :-)

  4. Yay Jill! So glad you are back! I missed you, too. :) Wish you could be my kiddo's 4th grade teacher...I know you are right at home in the classroom again.

  5. I was so excited to see your name pop up... I ran across your blog during the years you were on break, and I so wished for more posts. Do you still have your sweet chickens? I am sure your classrooms amazing. I am a teacher, too... High school language arts. It's great to know I can look forward to a post every so often. We have Friendly Village dished from my grandmothers. I love that pattern. Love your flair and excitement.

  6. I never removed you from my blog roll hoping you would return. And, here you are -- I'm thrilled! Greetings from Colorful Colorado! Sally

  7. Welcome back! So glad you're back to blogging....will be looking forward to visiting your blog!

  8. Had to backtrack and see what you've been up to. :)

    Don't you just love 4th grade? I teach 4th and 5th grade mild special education. We can swap stories...or ideas.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. It keeps me inspired to keep writing! Each and every comment is a treasure to me! ~Jill