They would like to know what the latest news is on my
Victorian Chicken House.
Remember this Craig's List find last summer?
I had gotten inspired by an article in the Mary Jane's Farm magazine, about fixing up an adorable chicken house.
Their's had wallpapered walls, a cute little shelf with a tea cup dangling from a peg and was utterly charming.
So I started looking on Craig's list and found a little outdoor playhouse.
Immediately I thought
Here is what I have finished so far.
On the left side of the house is going to be the chicken yard enclosed with picket fence (and chicken wire). On the right of the chicken house you will find my herb & flower garden with picket fence, arched arbor & gate.
Here are my favorite colors again Green & Red
but when it warms up, (will it ever be warm again?)
I am going to wallpaper the walls with this
very cute, very cottage Waverly wallpaper...
Big Lots $3 a roll

I am so VERY excited to have my own charming little Victorian chicken house. We had been talking for years, that when we moved out to the country we would have some hens, so we could gather eggs. Some names we came up with are Matilda, Henny Penny, Gladys, Helen & Ethel ...we want old fashioned names for our girls. I have been checking into bantam chickens.
Did you know they will mail baby chicks to you in the mail?
One day Lindsey and I were in our country post office and I heard peeping noises.
I asked the Postmaster about the sound and he showed us
a box of precious peeping yellow chicks!

Look what I found online...an adorable ledger sheet to keep track of the girls and their egg production. I am going to print this out and turn it into a picture to hang on the wall in their house. Maybe it will keep them encouraged to produce, lots and lots of eggs!
These little prints from a vintage school primer are so cute,
and will make for some cute pictures in the chicken house.
I am going to be on the lookout for some cottagey frames.
So Nikki and Liz,I hope you feel all caught up on the little Victorian Chicken House project, and thanks for asking.
You know what?
I just LOVE my bloggin buddies!
You are guys are soooo much fun to share things with!
How cute!! You've been very busy! Your girls will be living in the lap of luxury. :)
That is just about the cutest thing I have every seen. And I thought YOUR house was beautiful!! LOL
That is way too adorable to be a hen house! What lucky hens! I'd ask to move in too but I don't think I'd produce any eggs...
I love it. I saw the same article in Mary Janes magazine. What a hoot it will be. I live in the city now and certainly do miss my laying hens. Be sure to post the finished product cant wait.
Woohoo! Ask and you shall recieve, lol!
Jill it is looking adorable. I still cannot believe the deal you got on that PERFECT wallpaper! LOVE the hen ledger, and the names.
Lol...chikies in the mail. Oy! I can't wait till you get some, it's like you're "expecting", hahaha!
AH that is coming along great!
I have never seen anything like that! How adorable! We had lots of chickens with a hen house when I was a little girl but it was nothing like this! LOL. It was my job to gather the eggs which I hated because those old Bantam roosters were mean and would flog me when I went to gather the eggs. I'm sure yours will be so happy in their little chicken house they wouldn't think of flogging anyone. Can't wait to see this finished with hens ready to lay eggs. Sharon
Jill, the breed of chickens you are wanting are notorous for being onery. They can scale any fence and I mean any. You will probably have to keep their wings cliped unless you have them behind a ten foot fence. My hens are flying up over my garden fence right now and it is 4 ft tall. That is going to be a problem for me come garden time. I may have to clip wings also. Those roosters are mean also. They have what is called little man syndrom. They are so small they have to act mean to bluff their enemeys. I love your little chicken house and what a joy it will be to gather eggs from there. Its so cute and I can't wait to see it all done.
OH MY GOSH!!! so darn sweet. I will have to send you a photo of my Shabby Chic Chicken House. Chickens are the best...
how cute is that? you are doing a great job AND you gave me an idea!
Aww, Jill, that is adorable!! I love it and it sounds like you've got big plans!!!
Oh Jill, your little chicken house is ADORABLE already. I can't wait to see the finished product. Fresh, farm raised eggs are the best. I still remember the ones my grandfather brought to us.
Jill, your chicken house is too adorable and that wallpaper is cute, cute, cute!!
You have the BEST eye for decorating!
Your chicken house is so cute - it reminds me of my childhood playhouse. I have such fond memories of playing in it. Thanks for stopping by my post on my 5" bowls today. I started picking those bowls up probably 20 years ago, one at a time. I've found them at Goodwill, thrift stores, yard sales, and now at antique malls; but now they are getting so expensive! The collection has gotten a little out of hand, but I love them. They probably date from the 1930-1950s. Have a great week. Sally
Hello Jill, I am a new blogger and I am finding my way about. I love your blog everything is very pretty and looking at blogs like yours gives me inspiration. I will keep looking and trying to make my blog easy on the eye.
A few months ago my hubby decided he wanted a few bantam chickens. We don't have a large area to keep them, so we were only going to get 3 hens and one roaster, but decided to forego the roaster for now and only got the hens. After reading the comment from Shanda, I'm thinking we made a good decision. So far no problems, and we're enjoying the fresh eggs. LOL*
Hi Jill! This little chicken house is just the cutest thing! I would have loved to have it as my play house as a girl!
I've entered your name in my giveaway.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;) oh - I wanna see more of your new beautiful home...hint hint ;)
Let's see... Don't forget Bertha, Bessie, Gertrude, Gerty, Petunia, Madge, Cora, and Constance ! LOL
I could go on...and on! LOL
It is perfect! I can't wait to see those sweet little chickies! : )
Thanks for the update!
so cute I have been wondering about it myself thanks for the update!
**GASP** OH My Word!!! Jill this is the cutest post!!! I adore it!!
omg, you look so cute too with your little puppy in the window :)!
I am so green with envy!!! I love the little house and ALL you've done so far sweetie, it looks FAB-U-LOUS! and best of all, you will have such cute little chicks too! How farm SWEET! Keep us updated, it is so exciting!! and what fun!!
btw, THANKYOU for my gorgeous SB book! I got it yesterday and I am fitting it in a little post coming up, thanks so much, you wrapped it so so pretty too!
Hope you have a wonderful farm sweet day! ;) Hugs, Cynthia
Jill OMG!!! Your blog is FAB!!! You are sooo talented! I am so envious that you are going to have chickens! JEff and I always said if we moved to the country we would have them too.. I want to get the fun spikey looking ones...
My cousin just started his own batch of chickens.. They took about 6 mo to be productive. I guess now they are cold so not producing as much.. Brown eggs were delish!
I am calling you in the next day or so. I promised Riley I would. She really really really wants to meet you guys half way and have Linds spend the weekend with us.
Talk to you later.
Your chicken house is so cute! I love the colors. It makes me want to live in the country.
Hiya sweetie,
We have six hens in our back yard and they lay us about three or four eggs a day. We have old breeds - a Speckled Sussex, a Buff Orpington, a Blue Orpington, a Welsummer, an Ameracauna, and a Buff Brahama. It took at least eight months for the girlies to start laying.
Ours are regular size breeds. While bantams are cute, the eggs are runty too.
You may want to bury the bottom edge of the wire underground so beasties don't dig in for a chicken dinner. We had our first casualty a month or so ago.
Hope to see you soon!
Hi Jill,
... You're truly a sweetie pie!! Thanks for visiting and leaving such kind and lovely words!! (and for being one of my followers, too!).
Your chicken house is, oh, so beautiful! I wish I could have one! At the moment I enjoy having an aqua green and white garden shed.
Your wallpaper and lacy curtains are divine!
Oh my goodness...are we twins separated at birth?! I've thought of so many of things you've written about! My husband is building me a chicken house right now...two windows (I already have the lace!)...nice door, etc...See my blog for a few pics of the early stages. I'm saving your blog in my favorites!
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