I have been a bit naughty with this new whirlpool tub. Yes, I add just a splash of bubble bath. It says in the instruction booklet, not to, but I do it anyway, it really is MY bathtub, right? So I add just a couple splashes of bubble bath and make whipped topping in the tub. I turn the jets on until bubbles just about overflow the sides and then I shut it off. I sink chin deep in bubbles, and watch the flickering flames of my lit candles, read my new Victoria magazine and eat bites of chocolate with wet fingers. I also leave just a trickle of hot water running into the tub, like a little waterfall, I stick my toes in the stream, so warm, so relaxing, aaah!
Here is my bathtub retreat at night...

Master bath during the day...

Little Luxuries.
Have I mentioned my mom makes soap?
She makes it the traditional way with lye and oils, and then she adds soothing ingredients like silk, goat milk, and aloe vera just to name a few. Sometimes she makes frothy whipped bars, that lather up like whipping cream. Soon these will be for sale in Hickory Hollow's Etsy shoppe.

I have a darling little book that I would like to share with you...
Chin Deep in Bubbles
Melissa Placzek

A very similar style to that of Susan Branch.
Very cute!
and speaking of cute...
My blog friend, Cynthia at Cynthia's Cottage Design is having an adorable giveawayStop in to visit her, and tell her "Jill" sent you!
You may win some these cuties.
Actually I am hoping that I win,
I would LOVE that pie sign in my kitchen!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week filled with little luxuries and treats!
P.S. I have had several people ask me about how I make my headers. Honestly I am not fancy...I use the Microsoft Picture It program that came with our Dell computer. I try to find as many copyright free images I can, or use my own photos (what I do mostly) and I also use digital scrapbooking goodies that are listed as freebie for personal use only. As you can tell I love to play "decorate my blog" almost as much I love to play "decorate Hickory Hollow"!
Oh Jill, that scene in your bathroom is to die for - so luxurious! I love the mirrors!! I used to take bubble baths all the time when we first moved here 10 years ago, now I think I might have to go buy some bubbly!! - and bubble bath too - LOL!! ~Kim
Your new bathroom looks sooooo lovely.
I always get so excited when I see that you have posted Jill!
I'm amazed at what a beautiful job you do using some items you've found at thrift shops. Your home is beautiful!
I have a whirlpool tub too and I've never been in it! Not my thing. I have a very good friend who would probably just love that book for her birthday. Hmmm..thanks for the good idea.
Gaaahh! Just beautiful and peaceful. What is your wall color? Love the tile you chose.
I'm bad and add bubble bath to ours as well... how can we not?
Gorgeous chandy shot.
OOOO, I want some frothy soap!!
I love your bathtub retreat...that looks like a place to do some serious relaxing!! Beautiful!
I am a bubble bath gal myself. It's my favorite time of the day. I like the water extremely HOT, which "they" say is not good for your skin, especially in the winter months, but it feels so good, I can't resist. Just wanted to tell you again how much I love getting the tour of your new home*! Now I am going to head over to Cynthia's Cottage Design and check out the give away you mentioned*! Have a great day. _Carol
What a beautiful bathroom! I love bubble baths too. I wish I had a tub to take one!
Jill, I love your new bathroom. How luxurious it is!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh, how blessed you are!!!! I need to leave work right now and find your house as soon as possible!! I believe you're living MY dream! Enjoy. Sharon
Hello jill~I've strolled over from Miss Cynthia's blog. Your bathroom with all the gorgeous decor is so divine.
I enjoy tub time although it's not a spa tub. I still find it a place of respite, especially if you add bubbles, chocolate and a great magazine.
I've joined your followers list so I can visit again. My computer has been on the fritz for several day, so I've got some catching up to do.
Sweet Wishes,
aaaaahhhhhh, sounds like a great plan!! Your bath is lovely!
your bathroom is my dream right now..well besides a porch. I'm working on making the tiny bathroom that I do have--my little haven. Your bathroom is very peaceful...and i need to find that book!
I have always loved bubble baths too, and it's been too long since I took one. Your "stone" cherubs are great - what a convincing paint job!
I love taking baths too...your bathroom is wonderful! I love all of the little touches you have added.
Your bathroom looks like a spa at a very nice hotel! What a dream! I love the book you shared. I have one that you also might enjoy and could find for a song, as it was published in 1985 called "The Book of Bath" by Catherine Kanner. It too is a lovely illustrated book that is delicious to read! I love Victoria magazine and was beside myself when the decided to start publishing again. Thanks for sharing your lovely bathroom pictures with us!
Hello Jill;
OH I am so jealous right now,,,, I would love to have a bath like that... oooooooo so nice, I would never get out. lol I love how you decorated it, it is so spa looking. Have some fun in the bubbles for me would you.... hmmm that does not sound right,,,, well you know what I meant,,,,, I hope.
It looks so soothing - and I'm not even a bathtub-type person. Maybe I should try!! Have a good week. Sally
Only a MAN would design a gorgeous tub and then tell you "no bubbles"...Still men!
Your bath-room is lovely..ok DREAMY!
I LOVE bubble baths! Just had one with Lavender vanilla bubble bath. I love making my bathroom special, too! Your blog is so inspiring and you have so many great ideas that I LOVE! I won't to add your blog to my blog list so that I can keep up with you! Thanks!
If I had a bathroom like that I am not sure I would ever leave it, it looks absolutley magical. You must have a really creative mind, simple wonderful
If i had a bathroom like that, I would never leave it!!!
Absolutely beautiful.
Barbara Jean
I would stay in that bathtub for hours! You have certainly turned that room into a luxurious space that any woman would love to spend time in.
Just found your blog from the Southern Lady blog. I'm the gal whose house is being featured right now. I love your new house! It's so pretty. Just wanted you to know that I will be a follower of your blog. We like the same things in decor so I'll enjoy checking in with you for new posts.
Jill, I love your bathroom! There is nothing like taking a relaxing bath!!!! You have inspired me today to do just that! Blessings,Nancy
Stunning! I wish you could come and decorate for me!
what a beautiful bathroom you have. It looks like a relaxing retreat.
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