checks, stripes, lace curtains, flowers, dishes, little critters & knicky knacks.
I just couldn't do it...
You can take a girl out of a cottage
put her in base housing
but you really can't take the cottage out of the girl!
The same thing happened to Mary Engelbreit...yes sirree bob it sure did. I read about it in her magazine. She moved to a different house, thought the style of her collectibles wouldn't really fit into the new house...had a HUGE sale...sold almost everything. She said she wasn't in her new house but about 2 months until she started to haunt garage sales and flea markets again.
Um Hum...I know the feeling.
She said the one important thing she learned was
"To Your Own Self be True"
It's true,
I am an ole cottage, country gal.
I like to wear plaid shirts, jeans and Keds.
I can sit in a field and listen to birds for hours and I
Couldn 't be happier than when I am surrounded with cuteness
like checks & plaids, bunnies & chicks,
lace curtains & dishes
I like good old homecooked meals
with pickled beets, fried potatoes, navy beans and ham
& a big chunk of hot cornbread.
If this sounds a whole lot like the "real" you too
come on into my country cottage kitchen and sit a spell
and I will show you what this old country gal has been up to lately.
I have been hitting the thrift store pretty often and my favorite antique mall/flea market.
Thought you might like to see some new fabulous (countryfied) finds!

Um Hum those curtains that were going in the chicken house.
I like them here!

See my little garage sale cabinet,
that is where all my cute new cottage finds are going.
You know what though?
A lot of these cuties, like the birds, I have had for years.

Isn't this little hen basket just too cute for words?
I love the chicken wire for the basket.
She came home with me yesterday from
my favorite antique mall.

Always on the lookout for old gardening books,
this I picked up at the Salvation Army this week.
The copyright date is 1958.
I like to read to find old tried and true gardening tips.

Here's the little corner in my kitchen. I can already tell this is going to be a fun area to decorate.
I found the little wire bird/candle yesterday. Mom bought the gorgeous toile matted mirror for me at the antique mall. I had been admiring it for the past couple of weeks.

A couple of my favorite bloggers, Cindy at my Romantic Home and Tina at Cherry Hill Cottage have these wonderful flour & sugar containers sitting on their counters. Of course, they have transferware teacups in theirs. I am now on the hunt trying to find some red transferware cups. Anybody have any they don't want anymore?

The only red transferware I have found lately are two of these little fruit plates,
they were only $1 each.

I picked up a couple decoupaged green apples for a song!
They were originally hanging ornaments. I LOVE this color green!

Here are some cute things, that I have had for awhile. The red berry star I won at my husband's Christmas party. The birdhouse and plate came from goodwill and the red basket, from an antique mall in Colorado Springs.

A cute new rug from one of my favorite stores!
And look there are more coordinated accessories Yes, Toile hand towels and pot holders
Really, how cute is this!
A view of the other side of the kitchen.
Do you see on top of my cabinets.
Cute Daniel, added lots of plug ins everywhere for me
just in the event I might want to decorate up there.
Yes, I will decorate up there.
You should have seen me...
I am only 5' tall

So I am standing on my tippy toes trying to put stuff up here,
without it crashing down on my head and my ceramic cooktop.
Doug put my lamp there, he could reach the plug, LOL!

I found this little green tole tray this week.
I like the punch of color it adds behind my cooktop.

These little jars came from the antique mall/flea market.
I love their colors & little metal leaves.

Cute book..I know it is way to early to be thinking of fall, but you have to grab the goodies when you see them. This was just $2 and the photos inside are just beautiful! Plus there is lots of info on growing pumpkins & gourds and there are recipes!

I am going to plant me a hill of Baby Boo pumpkins!

Last, but certainly not least, a vintage-looking rack.
I am going to hang my straw hats here...
so they will be ready to plop on my head
when I skip off to the garden!
As always...
thanks for stopping by to visit!
My next post is going to be about..
Bubbles in the Bathtub, stay tuned!
Cute, cute, cute Jill!! I never imagined you as a short thing....I am only 5' 2", but I guess I am taller than you!! :)
Have a great day!
Well I really did wonder because your new look was not anything like your cottage...although the new look was very pretty too. You're right you can't take cute away from us. I too have tried and it just doesn't feel like home to me without my fun things. I think the little girl who liked to play house is always still there.
It is cute. Now, about that apple--you KNOW that I collect apples. So when you get tired of it ...
I am SO with you on this Jill. "Be true to thine own self" is right. I've been redoing my home room by room and I tried, yes I tried, just like you to be a "minimalist" as this seems to be the trend. But ya know what?? It's just NOT ME!! I'm drawn to the Southern way of doing things (just call me a "Northern Belle) and that calls for lots of "stuff". So, I'm back to my old ways and like you, couldn't be happier!
Btw, I'm 6' tall!!!! I guess we weren't separated at birth!!! LOL!
Oh MY!!! I am playing catch up on blogs while eating lunch at my desk today! wOw...YOU'VE been busy and I agree with you....there are some of us that are always Cottagy--no matter what!
The Chicken Coop is PRECIOUS! You've inspired me to start work up again on MY shed!
Jill, You are doing one HECK of a Job on your home!!! It is *GASP* gorgeous!!! I am so glad you brought all your cottage talents to it too!! It's so so warm and inviting and simply perfect!! I love every single thing in your post! I adore those black and white toile towels too! How yummy!! Keep up the incredible work, before you know it, You'll be living in "Chateau Country Cottage", that should be your new name :)
Gorgeous Jill!!
Hugs, Cynthia
I love those short nets in the middle of the window. You must have wonderful thrift shops! Here in England they seem to have the most awful tat. My friend and myself are always hunting, At present, she for vintage cups and saucers for her daughter,s wedding next year, every one will have a cup and saucer for their tea. I mostly go for blue and white.
I am in love with your cottage kitchen! It is wonderful. What is your "favorite" store that you got the rooster rug and towels from?
Jill, your touches are lovely. Your home is elegant and still touchable...such a magic combination. Wonderful!
Hello Jill; Wow I just love your kitchen. The way you arranged every thing, and how you decorated it. You have such wonderful taste. Thank you for showing us your beautiful kitchen.
I love your kitchen. What great things you have found to put in it. Absolutely beautiful! I love the picture above your cabinet.
Jill yout blog is wonderful, and your kitchen is absolutely beautiful...Jill
I love the cottage look also. I really love the 'look' of the white on white. But it is not me. I have to be bold and have red on everything!It took me awhile to discover this. I tried the other look and never felt like I was at home. I found some red transferware at Ross dept store. Cheap!
Have a great day.
I love the cottage look also. I really love the 'look' of the white on white. But it is not me. I have to be bold and have red on everything!It took me awhile to discover this. I tried the other look and never felt like I was at home. I found some red transferware at Ross dept store. Cheap!
Have a great day.
I love everything, and I'm trying to learn how to decorate like this. I just don't have the talent that some of you gals do, but I'm at least getting motivated to start trying harder. Thanks for sharing your beautiful home with us*!
Oh, I just love what you are doing with your new house! What a pretty post! That little mirror is fabulous, and the bird reflecting in it looks adorable. I've got some red transferware (lots, actually) but I don't think I have any cups! Will have to start looking for some I think, so if I find some I'll let you know!
Jill, I'm just going to have to go back and look a couple of times at this post! There is so much prettiness!!! I love your whole new french country look too. Just LOVELY!
I love the apples. Where did you find those?
Your header is really nice. Is it hard to change it? I need to learn how to do that. I don't like mine.
Ok... I think I have just fell in love with your kitchen! Love those lil lace curtains too!
Thank you for the sweet comment you left today. It was very heartfelt and I thank you for that~
Morning Jill! Ditto Ditto Ditto! I have gone through the same thing and regret all the country cottage things I got rid of two! I remember seeing ME's home when she changed and felt sad for her!!!lol I LOVE all your goodies and I had that rug in my cart to and put it back but today it is going to be mine too!!!lol I love your background paper on your blog too! I look forward to seeing your new purchases! Very pretty post!! Sincerely, Jeannette
Jill, I did the same rid of most all my cute cottage things..I have spent the last couple of years trying to find more! I will AMEN every word you said!
I am so glad I came by here today! You're kitchen I such an inspiration! Blessings, Nancy
Oh it looks great! I love the rug!
It's looking more like you! Loved the toile mat with the mirror in that frame. Your vignettes all look so warm and comforting. Have a great weekend. Sally
Looks great! The chicken house's loss is your kitchen's gain. I love the lace curtains in your bay window! I love it all. You can just never have too much country or too many roosters! So glad to see you stay true to yourself. It really works. Till later - Sharon
Oh, Dear Jill, I'm so glad you're being true to yourself! I love your sweetness in your kitchen. It may be sweet, but it's also so beautiful and you really know how to make everything look awesome!
Thanks for showing your gorgeous home.
Be a sweetie,
shelia :)
Hi Jill :)
I cannot believe all that has happened since I was here last!! Your home is beautiful!!!! You've done a wonderful job of making it a home :)
I so envy that chicken house of yours ;)
Hi Jill and thanks for stopping by and your sweet comments (; I was here earlier and really enjoyed going through your posts, I love the chicken house, that is adorable! I can't wait to see that finished and I'm glad you added your cottage touches in your new home I think it really warms it up and looks so cozy!
I love each and every thing in this fabulous post! And you are QUITE right- it's impossible to take the cottage out of the girl!!!!!
Stay cozy,
I bet you had a blast decorating your kitchen. It looks beautiful. I too love country decorating and my home has many country accents. Now have a seat,relax and enjoy a cup of tea. Hey guess what? I am as tall as you.
Hi Jill--- Thanks for stopping by today. Mary & I met in Pueblo for the day - It is half way between where she lives and I live; but we have talked about meeting in Colo. Spgs. someday. If you ever come back to Colorado to visit, please let me know as maybe we can meet, too. Mary & I had a great day together. Have a restful weekend! I'm loving your new house. Sally
Your kitchen is beautiful! I love seeing others who like filling their kitchen with their favorite things. My daughters like cleared countertops and everything put away. NOT ME. I love my "stuff". I tried their way for a week or so and it drove me nuts. I have that same pumpkin book. Love it!
Hi Jill,
I just discovered your blog and am beside myself. A) I live in Kansas and B)I've laid in bed thinking about names for chickens! We are on the same page.I love you blog! Thank yo for sharing the pictures of your lovely home! You've done an oustanding job decorating. I'll be sure to stop by for frequent visits and invite you to come over and see my blog!
I just happened to stumble upon your blog and it is precious! You would really enjoy participating in a Meme that just started last week. Visit my friend Nancy at and find the "Flaunt your red" Meme.
Come visit me sometime too. Bless you!
Hi Jill, ignore my last comment. lol I see that you and Nancy are friends. :o)
I have just found your blog, and have put you on my sidebar. Your home and collections are just lovely. Hope you can come by for a visit.
Back Porch Blessings,
Love it all!!
The chicken house curtains look really pretty hung there...
I like the chicken wire chicken, and the bird's nest candle holder, and the painted apple. Wonderful finds.
Cute hat rack too!
Hi Jill,
Golly you do inspire me with all the wonderful things you find and display I just love your kitchen, you sound such a happy lady.
Love your kitchen. It looks so cozy!
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