After the taking down the holiday decorations, I decided I would spend a little more time putting things back in their normal place. I dusted, washed dishes, baskets and bunnies. It took me awhile, but I finally found an arrangment I liked with all my found "goodies".

I've had this little conservatory for awhile, it was a thrift store find.
The design idea is from a Nell Hill's book, the tea cups an antique store find for $3 each.

I have a couple of friends that see transferware and think of me.
This one is from my friend, India.

On my last thrift shopping trip in Colorado, I spotted this little silver teapot lamp. It wasn't a bargain, it was in the "display case". But I had to have it, and it is a wonderful reminder of fun times.

The beautiful transerware teacup set, was a great Salvation Army find. I found a set of 4, they were $3 each. I was certainly doing the happy dance that afternoon! The dark transferware plate in the back came from a friend who was stationed at the time in Germany. Thank you, Trisha it is such a treasure!

Aren't they beautiful!
I use them when I have my morning coffee.

The pair of chicken pictures was another Thrifty find.

Cute finial birdies and floral hat box.
I love how the white, red and apple green go together

This hooked rug is one of my favorite possessions.
It came from my friend Peggy's garage sale.
Oh, Peg it is as you would say, "to die for"!

This little basket sits in the open space at the bottom of the cupboard.
I found the Julia & Jacque cookbook at a garage sale for $2.
After I watch the movie, Julie & Julia I pulled it off the bookcase and sat it here.
I ran across this book on Amazon and it sells for over $120 now. I think it was a gift when you donated to the PBS show!

Even though temperatures are slowly rising, it still is very cold outside!
The Kansas City weatherman said it was 7 degrees in our area this morning.
I am enjoying wearing all my sweaters though!
The Burpee garden catalog came in the mail a couple of weeks ago.
I have picked out some strawberry and blueberry plants I want to order.
We bought some picket fence at an auction last month, and I am so excited to begin planning and building my cutting flower and herb garden. It is going to be beside the little chicken house, complete with an arched arbor and an antique garden gate!
Hope everyone is staying warm because I know it is chilly everywhere!
Oh Jill! How great it is to hear from you again. I love the background music. Your blog has always been one of my faves. Love what you've done in the hutch - so pretty!
Hi Jill....I love transferware too...especially the red. I also really like your silver teapot lamp! That is really darling! Stay warm!~Hugs, Patti
Funny, I was thinking about my new garden that I dug out last year, all perennials...sure hope they all come back....here in Maryland, it's been in the 30s during the day but dropping down to the teens at night.
Wishing you and your garden, the best,
HI JILL! I will have to catch up on your blog! Your pictures are great. Hope the holdiays have been great!
I so loved looking at all of these pictures. This was a nice post leaving me with a warm, fuzzy feeling. Thanks for being a bright spot in my day!!
Hello Jill; I am the first here!!! hehe I love how you decorated your pretty cupboard... it is all so gorgeous.. and those wonderful thrift store finds,, I am so jealous,, I have not been thrifting for a while... your garden plans sound so great... how much fun you are going to have..... we are getting some warmer days here finally... will send you some... have a great week
Jill, that cupboard and all the goodies in it is just beautiful. I love how you layered all the pieces. I have a conservatory and sometimes put my cups in it. I like how you put the moss in there too. :)
Hi Jill! Of course, it ISN'T cold everywhere - remember this is Colorado - a beautiful, warm, sunshiny day in January on the eastern slope. We don't even have any snow on the ground. I love the red transferware - I can't get enough - must find more this year. Take care, Sally
Hi Jill-
You have inspired me.
I just ordered my Burpee catalogue.
Do you do any gardening prep during winter- or just planning?
Come see me if you have time,
Very pretty set up. Love the Transferware too. It sure DOES take
time to get things clean after they sit for a bit but everthing looks sooo nice afterwards.
It is warming up here in the KC area day by day.
Keep warm.
PS Where do you do your "thrifting?"
Love your cupboard and dishes. Just beautiful...country but elegant. Such a pretty blog I signed up to follow it!
Hi Jill! Just popping in to say hello.. and so glad you are still "here".
Love all of these ideas and vignettes, and it's fun to hear where your goodies all come from.
The soup and bread sound DELISH.
Look forward to seeing more of your dollhouse project too!
Love it!!! That's all I can say. You are really making me want to redecorate with toile and red checks. I've got the rooster thing going but not like yours. Inspire me girl!!
Hello! I've missed you, Jill. Thaw out and come pay a visit.
I love everything you've done. It's nice to find another French country lover. I'll be back to visit some more.
Hi Jill, this is simply and utterly lovely. It soothes my spirit. Gorgeous!
Barb ♥
Hi Jill, I am new to your blog but I already love it. I had done a search on google for "hutch" and your blog came up. I am so glad I found you! What a lovely blog with wonderful pictures. I too have taken down all the Christmas and am trying to figure out what to do with my hutch and hoosier. You seem to work magic with how you put things together! HOpe your weekend is blessed!
Hi I love, love your cupboard. I love the wallpaper lining the backs. And I am so in love with your beautiful red and white cups and saucers. I'd love to get some. What is the name of that pattern? I would love to know. Thank you, Mona
Jill, I am so glad your back. I just recommended yur blog to another frined who is a Nell Hill fan and just visited there and bought a new book to enjoy. I told her she had to take a look at your home and I told her all about the hen house.
Hope you and the hennies are staying warm,
Just have to tell you that I made your cheeseburger soup night before last and loved it! Next time I think I'll leave out the hamburger and crumble some cooked bacon in for the meat. Then it will be loaded baked potato soup. Sausage would be good as well. Thanks for the recipe. I'll use it often.
Wow set of 4, for $3 each what a great deal you got on the china. Have a great weekend!
I love how you decorated your cupboard,it looks adorable!!Love the cups.I'm a new blogger and i just found your blog and i love how you decorate...Kathy
Your house is beautiful and inspiring...
Your cabinet is just lovely! I am a lover of transferware too! : )
I am seriously envying that sweet tea pot lamp...so pretty!
I just became a follower so I don't miss a thing!
I really, really love your hutch and how you have arranged your beautiful treasures in it! Arranging vignettes is somewhat difficult for me so I have been studying all of your display techniques. Hope you don't mind but I have saved the URL of this particular post for inspiration and future reference. :)
Looking forward to seeing more posts from you.
Your French Country cupboard is just darling! I love all the sweet things you used to fill it up. So glad you are back blogging. Missed you!
Had fun looking at your site. I'm right there with you on the THRIFT STORE THING. I go at least once a week. Just love it and I find the best stuff.
Nancy Jo
Love, love, love everything! I love red, green, and yellow in combination. So classic. I'm so happy to see that you are back to blogging! I've missed reading about your chickens, especially! Stay warm!
Hello Jill
I don't remember visiting here, before. A friend on one of my decorating groups just added a link to this post. It's wonderful seeing another Missouri blogger. I am clicking to follow.
Hope to see more of you. Love the cabinet!
Back Porch Musings
I have the same gingham that you have on the back of your cabinet, I hot glued it onto my kitchen cupboards, and well everywhere other nook and cranny around here,LOL.
I love the look you made in the china cabinet. Red is my favorite colour.
Hello there, I'm a first time visitor to your lovely blog. I love how you organized things. They look so classic. But what caught my attention is the silver teapot lamp you have there, am loving it, I've never seen one like this before, it's perfect. ~Cindy@ silk flower arrangements
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