My tuscan inspired dining room is now a thing of the past. It was ornate and fancy, but was it really my style? The answer is no. It had an extreme amount of carvings and moldings and was forever in need of dusting. Plus I think the wood grain was called burl, which reminds me of Spanish, which is my least favorite style. When our new orphan kitten was welcomed "into" the house, he thought the gigantic floral arrangment was a jungle to be jumped in. He would literally pounce right smack dab into the middle of it. Now the floral arrangment is on top of the armoir in the living room.
I decided, what the heck, I am going to sell it on Craig's List. It sold within two weeks. The family that purchased it drove all the way from Kansas City, KS. She laughed and said they thought they would never get here. Definitely way out in the boon docks! Could not get over how "out in the country" we are. I thought they were just going to look it at, so I hadn't unloaded the full china cabinet and the base. Ye Gads....I had dishes all over my kitchen counter for two days! I just didn't have time to figure out where to put everything. So now most of the work is over. Ginormous furniture is gone, I'm relieved. Now I am hunting for something new. Been on Craig's List but just not found exactly what I am looking for. I think I need inspiration...

I think is very cute. I like the buffet. I have been learning all about painting furniture with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. The question is, where to find the time. I do like the mix of cottage plus a little fancy with tassle and the lamps.

I like the oak stained table top and the painted chairs. I also like the cabinet, that looks like it should be in a country house. I thought I wanted French Provincial, but now I think that might be too Froo Froo.

Days Later....
Blogging continues....
I've been shopping on Craiglist and have found "perfect" furniture for the dining room! Let me tell you, the story about the china cabinet deserves a post of it's own. If any of you know a bit about Kansas City, you know that there are murders every night in a certain section, say Prospect and Troost. Well guess what? Yep, two streets over is where I picked up my darling, precious little china cabinet...or as I prefer to say, "rescued" my darling, precious little china cabinet. I'm afraid she was in the hands of two questionable men, who appeared to be very rough around the edges, drugs, maybe? Well, that story later. Do you want a sneak peek of the dining room furniture? I am going to pick it up this afternoon, when I should be readying the house for Thanksgiving! But! At least we will now have something to eat dinner on.
"Aren't these nice sentences for a reading/writing teacher to use!" Hmmm where are the subjects and predicates?
Yes, artistic license!

I think, really cute! The chairs are upholstered in a charcoal grey, and have a small pattern with a check, in each little square is a dot of white or beige. I am also thinking about getting the rug. It may match the wall color in the dining room which is a bittersweet red, and doesn't go well with red toile, sigh, which is a little more cooler in shade. How do you like the fleur di lis? There is a total of 6 chairs and the table has a leaf.
Okay want to know what kinda shopper I am?
When it was first listed on Craig's List it was $750. I saw it listed today for $475.00. I offered him $375.00 and he took it! Yippee! Only drawback, dear husband isn't home yet for me to tell him the wonderful news of a trip up to the city this afternoon. Hmm...tad bit nervous about this part. Generally he is a good sport, but two trips to the city (takes about and hour) in less than 24 hrs. that might be asking a little much. Although I AM cooking big tomorrow!
And friends...
THANK YOU for not taking me off your blogroll!
I feel like I am seeing my old friends again. Gosh how I've missed you and your sweet comments! Okay I know I haven't visited you back, but I will...I am just a wee bit sidetracked with the furniture right now.
Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!
Jill, it is delightful to see you back! Yay!!
Happy and blessed Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family.
Barb ♥
Wow, Jill! That is quite a story about the old/new furniture but I do love the new! I love anything light and bright and cottagey! This really brightens your dining room up! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!~Hugs, Patti
hi, ive been mia also. Im back to.
Jill, you are posting! How did I miss that. So glad to see you again. I often think of that story you told with you out there in your nightgown facing down the coyotes. :)
JILL! JILL! JILL! I'm so happy to see you back! :) I just popped by to see if I could leave you a holiday wish... And lookie look! I saw a new post. :) It is fun catching up with you. I missed you friend.
I'm actually having a little Nell Hill give away that you might be interested in. Of course there is the possibility that you already have it. :) Come by and say "Hi!" :)
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